In 1995-1996, with the initiative of the Member of European Parliament, Eleni Theocharous, the “Park of Volunteer doctors of the World” in Poli Chrysochous was created. It is a park for children that has attractions following all the European standards for safe usage.
There are a few wooden tables under the pine trees, and they are ready to welcome the people accompanying the children for as long as they will be occupied by playing.
There are big jars, that used to serve to keep wine in the olden years, decorating the whole park.
There is a comfortable parking area at the entrance of the park, thus facilitating its visitors. It is a small Paradise of rest, along with the overpopulation and the noise caused by tourist development. This development has come after hard work done by the progressive community of Polis Chrysochous, by making the best out of its natural beauties.
The condition of the sanitaries of the park are in very bad condition and the Municipality services should take care of this problem.